Thursday, August 16, 2007

Go, Junior! Go, Senior!

Last night the Roxy was pummeled by the party power of Junior Senior! The Danish duo got the booty's sh-sh-shaking by starting the set with Go, Junior! Go, Senior! and then plowed through the majority of their first album, only leaving out Boy Meets Girl. During the show I couldn't comprehend why Jesper "Junior" Mortensen chopped off his hair. I just wanted to go up and slap him and say "Wh-wh-what were you th-th-thinking, b-b-baby?!" The encore was joined with tourmates and L.A's own Gravytrain. Like a happy family they belted the new tracks Take My Time and No No No No and sent it to epic, interstellar levels. By now I thought the party was over, but then like a bird turd to the dome, I was on my feet again! Last song: White Trash. Everyone on the floor: on the stage. I b-lined it to the stage and shook it up. Euphoria! Junior Senior shows are fail proof. They are track masters and lords of the party. Stage presence was uncanny. Whatever they were on, I want in! New album is currently in stores entitled Hey Hey Yo Yo My My.

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